Miss Maggie Wong
Senior Speech Therapist (Registered)
Miss Maggie graduated from The University of Hong Kong and attained B.Sc(Hons) Speech & Hearing Sciences. She joined ENTLaser family since 2008, and provides speech and hearing therapy services for various populations including individuals with articulation disorders, communication disorders, voice disorders, swallowing disorders, and oral-motor weakness.
After graduation, she acquired continuous professional trainings related to speech therapy. By integrating different approaches, Miss Maggie is determined to execute tailor-made and optimum management plan for different individuals. Apart from being a speech therapist, Miss Maggie has taken up a leading role in an adventure-based learning centre. She enjoys adding creative thinking elements into theoretically-based therapies, so as to bring brand-new stimulations and maximize the effects in the therapies.
M.Soc.Sc. (Counselling) -The University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. (Speech & Hearing Sciences)- HKU
Professional Development:
Member of Register of Speech Therapists accredited by Department of Health HKSAR
Member of Register of Speech Therapists of The Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST)
Member of The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
Member of The Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association (HKPCA)
Associate member of Play Therapy International (PTI)
Certified provider of Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT) - Adults & Kids
Certified provider of Adventures in Voice (AIV)
Certified VitalStim Therapy provider for Dysphagia
Certified Deep Pharyngeal Neuromuscular Stimulation Provider for Dysphagia (DPNS)
TalkTools ORAL PLACEMENT THERAPY Level 1 & Level 2
Course 1 Sensory Integration Certificate, University of Southern California
Qualified The Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale (HKCOLAS) examiner
Qualified Hong Kong Graded Character Naming Test (HKGCNT) User
Certificate in A Developmental Relational Play Therapy Approach for the Special Needs Child Including Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Challenges
Theraplay Overview and Group Theraplay Workshop 2013 Certificate
Certified provider of Myofascial Release & other Manual Techniques in Dysphagia Management
Teaching Experiences:
Part-time lecturer of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Training (Child Education & Services)
Invited to provide professional input and training to various organizations, i.e. Celki, Shisedo
Working Experiences:
School based speech therapist (EDB)
Yuen Long Early Education & Training Centre
Wan Chui Early Education & Training Centre
Hong Kong Christian Service District-based Speech Therapy Service Team
Researcher of The Hong Kong Institute of Education (Early Child Education)
Head Teacher of PBL Leaders
School-based Speech Therapist (EDB)- Primary, Secondary Schools and Special Schools
Speech Therapist at Tuen Mun Special Child Care Centre
Speech Therapist at Wan Chui Early Education & Training Centre
Speech Therapist at Yuen Long Early Education & Training Centre
Speech Therapist at Hong Chi Morning Hope School
Hong Kong Christian Service District-based Speech Therapy Service Team
Part-time research assistant- HKU (Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences)
Researcher of The Hong Kong Institute of Education (Early Child Education)
Play Therapy Experiences:
Finished master-level play therapy training and receiving on-going professional training and supervision
Specializing in children psychological development, work with children with mood, behavioural and social adjustment issues
Write articles and provide professional information to newspaper and magazines, i.e. AM730
Held filial group parent training and Theraplay group.
Counselling Experiences:
Finished master-level counselling training and receiving on-going professional training and supervision
Specializing in working with children with special education needs in association with emotional and behavioral problems, and their parents.